We start the day in Sausalito, California at a little breakfast/brunch place we always wanted to eat at. (Mostly because it has a lighthouse on it.) We got blueberry and raspberry pancakes with Danish meatballs on the side for fun. Pretty tasty!
Then we took this awesome vintage Golden Gate photo on our trip to the real lighthouse.
The scenery was too hard to pass up so we detoured from our lighthouse adventure to explore around a bit in the Marin Headlands.
Finally made it to the path to the lighthouse. It was still mid-day but it was like 20 degrees colder over here.
Spring is in the air and so is the state flower--the Golden Poppy. (A little trivia for ya, Mandy)
I know it's hard to see from far away, but you can notice a big difference in the choppiness of the waves on the left versus the right. This area has crazy wind on the west side and barely anything on the east side.
What!?! There's a cave on the way to lighthouse? What is this?
Made it--only a little bit further to the lighthouse.
Here's a video showing how windy it was on the bridge to the lighthouse.
And a nice lady trying very hard to take our picture with very strong gusts of wind.
And we saw these little guys swimming around on the trail to/from the lighthouse. (I'm also a little impressed at how well our digital camera can zoom in and it still look pretty nice.)
As we say goodbye to lighthouse, we also say goodbye to barge as it no longer needs lighthouse until it finds it way back to The Bay.
We then made our way to the San Rafael Mission. It was pretty cool but there was a lot going on with a youth group activity and wedding.
So we went on a walk and found some nice flowers at the church next door.
Looks way better in Rachel's hair than in some parking lot.
Then we went to Tiburan, California and found a new way to eat a pizza. We decided to eat them with a fork and knife instead of folding it up New York style and eating it like a sandwich.
Looks pretty chilly up there, but really pretty. I love the flower pictures! Can't wait to come visit!